Friday 21 March 2014

Barred Parakeet : Information

this is the image of barred parakeet parrot
The Barred Parakeet (Bolborhynchus lineola), otherwise called Lineolated Parakeet, Catherine Parakeet or "Linnies" for short, is a little parrot discovered disjunctly in high country woods from southern Mexico to Panama, in the Andes from western Venezuela to southern Peru, the Santa Marta Mountains in Colombia and the Venezuelan Coastal Range. Its plumage is basically green with numerous dark and dull green stripes or bars, and it has a pale-horn colored bill. The dim stripes change in conspicuousness between its two subspecies. A few shade mutants are accessible in aviculture.

The Barred Parakeet is something like 16 cm (6.5 in) long and has a weight of about 42 to 52 grams. It is basically green and has dark stripes (or bars) over its upper-parts aside from on the highest point of the head. Its easier parts are olive-green with exceptionally dull green stripes on its sides.the shoulder of its wings are dark, there is some blue on the under-side of its wings, and its tail is dim green. The irises are dim tan and its bill is horn coloured.its legs are pink.juveniles have less-stamped dull stripes, which obscure with age. Guys and females are by and large comparative in outside presence, yet guys might frequently have more stamped dark stripes than the female.usually, nonetheless, there is no recognizing characteristic to separate sexual orientations and sexing must be carried out surgically or through blood tests. The two subspecies vary in the noticeable quality of the dim stripes.


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